Mar 23, 2022The twin evils: nazism and communism, reunited again in one person: Putin. The two Z of one swastikaThe twin evils of the XX century: nazism and communism. Born in the same time, split later, reunited again today in one person: Putin. "Z"
Mar 22, 2022Putin's "holy war" and Kirill's "jihad": two KGBeasts turned "religious".The "Rus"= homo sovieticus' imperialist delirium and religious fundamentalism. ... Remember Pussy Riot?
Mar 14, 2022Message to terrorist PutinYou are not human. You are Death. You even named your most destructive weapon "Satan". Therefore, this is who you are: Satan incarnated.
Mar 7, 2022The Ukrainian miracle and double revelation: the people, and the leaders.A lesson to be learned. "The Servants of the People", "The Servants of the Money" and Homo Sovieticus.